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6.8.09 Depression not uncommon in the youngest among us

6.8.09 da ""

Published: Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Depression is a disorder that many people in the world are dealing with, but now it has been brought to our attention that childhood depression is on the rise. In recent years, the subject of childhood depression has received a lot of attention as we have tried to unravel how this disorder is affecting kids. However, little is still known about if, and how, depression is affecting very young children. New research suggests that children as young as 3 can be diagnosed with depression and that the disorder is often considered to be a chronic condition.

The recent study, which appears in the August issue of the Archives of General Psychiatry, is sure to raise eyebrows among the people who question if children that young are really emotionally mature enough to be depressed. The author of the study said that despite the skepticism, a growing body of research is suggesting that depression does in fact exist among preschoolers and they launched this new study to better understand it.

The researchers studied approximately 306 children that were between the ages of 3 and 6, including 75 of the children that were diagnosed with depression, and they were evaluated for up to two years. The preschoolers that suffered from depression at the beginning of the study were four times more likely to have depression for 12 to 24 months longer than the children who were not depressed at the beginning of the study.

The researchers found that depression was much more common in children whose mothers were depressed and those who had been through a traumatic event. The authors state that the study underscores the importance of diagnosing depression as early as preschool, however, the study did not research treating the young children with medications, which has been controversial. The authors said the more study will be needed for this area.

It makes you wonder what the parents will make of this research. Is it really possible to diagnose depression in children that are so young? And if it is possible, what would be the appropriate treatment for a preschooler?

Major depressive disorder, or more common referred to as “depression,” can severely disrupt your life, affecting work, relationships, sleep, and your appetite. Here are some of the most common symptoms to help diagnose depression.

Constant feeling of tension, sadness, or irritability
Decreased pleasure or interest in usual hobbies or activities
A change in appetite, with significant weight gain or weight loss
A change in sleeping patterns, such as not being able to sleep, waking up early in the morning, or sleeping too much
Feeling slowed down or restless
Decreased ability to concentrate or make decisions
Feeling of guilt, worthlessness, or hopelessness
Thoughts of death or suicide
If you or someone else you know are experiencing any or several of these symptoms, you should talk with your physician about whether you are suffering from depression. Depression has no single cause; often, it results from a combination of things that are happening. Also, you may have no idea why depression is affecting you, so it is best to talk with your doctor and find out what you can do to resolve your depression.