

Il sopralluogo (a lato rappresentato nella cosiddetta fase di repertazione cioè “raccolta e registrazione dei corpi di reato”) è un’operazione tipica dell’attività investigativa e medico-legale. - Il sopralluogo giudiziario comprende tutte le indagini che vengono svolte nel luogo dove si...

10.10.09 Bones and kidnapping suspect Philip Garrido PDF  | Stampa |  E-mail

da "", "Sheriff: Bones at Garrido home buried long ago", Friday Oct 9,ANTIOCH, Calif.

The bone fragments dug up from the backyard of kidnapping suspect Phillip Garrido's home and a neighboring property probably belonged to American Indians buried a long time ago.

Sheriff's spokesman Jimmy Lee said that while scientists at a state forensics lab were unable to pull any DNA from the bones, an anthropologist concluded the fragments were likely human, but probably old.

Investigators uncovered the bones while searching for evidence in the kidnapping of Jaycee Dugard, as well as other unsolved abductions and murders.

Garrido and his wife, Nancy, have been charged with kidnapping and rape in Dugard's 18-year disappearance.